Common questions
Vacation season
How do I get additional information about the camp and make a reservation?
For information you can call our office at (11) 3818-6600, send an e-mail to atendimento@replago.com.br, or contact us via WhatsApp (11) 3818-6600. The reservation must be made via the website, and should you have any questions, our customer service team will provide you with all the necessary support to make your reservation.
How does RepLago vacation camp work for children and teenagers?
More than a fun location, at RepLago, children and teenagers develop as they play and make friends. We encourage personal development, where every activity is planned with great care and foundation. The most diverse skills can be explored by young campers with water activities, adventure, art and environment workshops, games, sports, and a music studio.
What type of structure does RepLago offer?
RepLago offers a multi-sport gymnasium, soccer field, sand court, swimming pool, first aid post, game room, art studio, and a beautiful lake located in the center of the camp. Children and teenagers are lodged in comfortable cottages with a porch and roomy bathrooms.
What are the cottages, beds, and bathrooms like?
The cottages are organized by gender, as well as by age group. They are cozy and equipped with heating and air conditioner. Each cottage has its own bathroom, with individual bathroom stalls. Showers also have their own individual stalls. The bathrooms are roomy, and showers have natural gas or solar heating systems. Cottages have night lights for those who want to go to the bathroom at night, and mattresses are waterproof and easy to sanitize. Shelves are found next to each bed, so that kids can organize their clothes and other items. Suitcases are removed from the cottage and are brought back the day before departure for the return preparations. Upper beds have railings for protection. The cottages are well-ventilated, with space between the beds.
How many children stay in a single cottage? And how are they distributed?
We have different sized cottages, but they are all well-ventilated with space between the beds. Each one's capacity ranges from 4 to 20 children. Distribution is done according to gender, age, and age group.
My son wants to take a friend with him. Can they stay together in the same cottage?
We always do our best to make sure that they have at least one friend staying in the same cottage. We cannot do so when there is a significant age gap. When in doubt, we arrange it with the family.
How are the groups selected?
Interests are different according to age. Thus, there are schedules with activities sorted by age group: Red (5 to 8.5 years old), Green (8.5 to 10 years old), Blue (11 and 12 years old), Yellow (13 to 16 years old). During other times, we offer activities for every age, and each camper can choose to do what they prefer, according to their tastes and skills. This happens in some games and workshops, for instance. Meals are also served at the same time to all of them.
What activities will my child find at RepLago camp?
There are several different activities: - Water: water skiing, wakeboard, aqua bike, stand up paddleboarding, water trampoline, water tubing, kayaking, aqua jump, banana boat, Tarzan swing, and paddle boat. - Adventure: bike trail, canopy tour, camping, climbing wall, zip line, acrobatic trampoline, and slackline. - Workshops: art studio, music studio, ecological expeditions. - Games and sports: biribol (Brazilian water volleyball), tetherball, soccer, beach soccer, multi-sport gymnasium, beach volleyball, swimming pool, game room, among others. - Night schedule: special dinner and games with flashlights.
Who are the members of the camp team?
The RepLago team has employees who work in activities such as supervision, guest service, kitchen, lifeguard, safety, cleaning, maintenance, garden, medicine, nursing, among others, always highly integrated and prepared. It is worth remembering that our counselors have a career plan, and the selection process they undergo includes simulations, security training, safeguarding, and group dynamics for the development of emotional intelligence, and the moment they join the team, they undergo regular training.
What is the team of counselors like?
All members of the team of counselors are going to or have gone to college and are older than 18, they undergo regular qualification training, and are specialized in handling large groups of children and teenagers. Counselors are also knowledgeable enough to peacefully handle specific situations that may come up, while respecting the particularities of each age group and each child or teenager. They supervise, support, and have fun with children and teenagers at all times. Furthermore, they have the support of coordinators, who are consistently guiding and directing the counselors' work. Children and teenagers have 24/7 supervision.
Do counselors accompany children in their activities?
Yes, counselors accompany children in every activity scheduled by offering all necessary support, and supervising everything that goes on, thus guaranteeing safety and reliability.
What are meals like?
The kitchen offers hearty and assorted meals, which are carefully prepared by experienced chefs. Some of the ingredients come directly from our organic vegetable garden. The menu has seasonal fruit, grilled food, pasta, salads, desserts, and much more. There are 5 meals per day: breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, and evening snack. For groups of small children, an employee from our team helps each one of them according to the instructions they receive. We have two large, well-ventilated courtyards, where meals are served.
My son has dietary restrictions. Are there other options?
Yes, in the enrollment process, there is a specific area for dietary restrictions. The person responsible for the child must fill it out with information about allergies, restrictions, and medications taken. A specific menu will be provided to this child, with options that substitutes what he/she cannot eat. This job is done by a food engineer along with our chefs. On the first day, the camper is introduced to the chef, so that they can get to know one another and have questions about the restrictions answered. The menu with restrictions/substitutions is available to the camper where they have their meals.
My son's birthday will be while he is at RepLago, is there any celebration?
Yes! We’ll have a cake and sing Happy Birthday :)
Does my son have to take any medicine with him? What if he gets sick or hurt?
There is a well-equipped first aid post, and there is a pediatrician 24/7, in addition to a nurse during the day. There is a mobile ICU and two hospitals within Leme's urban area that are a 12 km drive from the camp with a well paved road with no traffic. We are well prepared for any health assistance, and the people responsible for the campers are always notified if necessary. Should the child be undergoing any specific treatment while travelling, or may need a special medication, you must provide our health attendants with it, properly packed, with the first and last name, in addition to the specific dose/times in writing. To make things easier, the team that gives departure instructions has medication forms with them. We do not accept pill boxes.
Who is in charge of the medications?
Nurses are in charge of the medications, under the pediatrician's management.
What are the procedures in the case of venomous animal bites? Is there any antivenom?
This kind of situation has never happened, but our team is instructed on how to proceed if necessary. Should the child need to go to a hospital for antivenom treatment, a team member will accompany them. Those who are responsible for the child will be notified about the incident.
How are safety procedures conducted at the lake?
The use of lifejackets is mandatory for every water activity. Furthermore, we have lifeguards from the fire department at the camp on a daily basis and whenever there are lake and pool activities.
Can those who do not know how to swim be part of the RepLago activities?
Yes. Every water activity has the supervision of counselors and lifeguards from the fire department. Furthermore, the swimming pool is only 1.10 m deep. Whenever there are lake activities, the use of lifejackets is mandatory.
My son has nocturnal enuresis (bed-wetting). Does this prevent him from being part of the camping trip?
That is not a problem, since our mattresses are waterproof and easy to sanitize. Furthermore, our counselors are qualified to act in these situations in a way that the child does not feel embarrassed.
How is the adaptation done? My son has never been on a camping trip.
Before the trip, we talk to the person responsible for the child to learn about his/her peculiarities. We observe every child and teenager closely, follow their adaptation process, and are always attentive to occasional needs that may come up. We encourage interaction with the roommates and show that we are available to help them enjoy their stay at RepLago. If the child shows that they miss their home, we will talk to them and try to calm them down. In this case, we will contact the people responsible for the child and decide together on how to proceed. Despite all these precautions, it is essential that the child be prepared to turn to any responsible adult.
Where is the camp located? What is Leme close to?
The camp is located in the city of Leme, a 186 km drive from the city of São Paulo. The city is located between Campinas and Ribeirão Preto, and we travel on the Anhanguera and Bandeirantes highways, which are among the safest in the country.
What is the weather like at the camp? Is it really cold in July?
The weather in Leme is pleasant and always slightly warmer than it is in São Paulo. During winter, the weather is drier, and since it is located on a farm in a rural area, the temperature is warm during the day and goes down at night. Water activities only occur if the temperature is appropriate, and when it is cooler, children take a warm shower as soon as they end the activities. Counselors are always ready to instruct children to wear warm clothes, if necessary.
What should be packed in the suitcase?
During the enrollment process, you will receive our luggage suggestions. You can follow it to the letter, the amount given is adequate, carefully thought out according to the season’s schedule.
Do they need to take money with them?
All scheduled activities are already included in the package. We don't have a snack bar or cantina that sells food. There are 5 meals per day, and if campers are still hungry, we always have fruit and cookies available in the kitchen. We have a small shop selling items from the camp, so, if the children decide to take a souvenir home, such as a T-shirt, for instance, they can bring money for that purpose. The amount can be delivered to our team at departure or deposited in RepLago's account. When the season ends, if the child has brought money with him/her and bought nothing or there is change left, the amount will be returned.
Are they allowed to take their cell phones?
That is up to the people responsible for the children. There is no cell phone signal at the camp and children have no access to the Wi-Fi password. We highlight that RepLago is a place for children and teenagers to disconnect from technology and connect with themselves, with others, and with Nature.
Is it possible to contact our children?
There is no cell phone signal at RepLago. Phone calls between those responsible for the children and the children are allowed, and sometimes, necessary. We just ask that common sense be used so that there is no excessive contact, since this can prevent the child from integrating with other campers and even make them homesick. We have qualified professionals who provide instructions to the people responsible for the children regarding contact. Sending an e-mail through our website is recommended, since it makes children very happy, and they can read it as many times as they want.
Can we visit our child?
While they stay at the camp, visits are not allowed, since they make children homesick and impair the adaptation of other campers. People responsible for the children are always welcome during off-season periods! Contact our customer service team and schedule a visit by phone or WhatsApp at (11) 3818-6600 or send an e-mail to atendimento@replago.com.br.
How are the children transported?
We offer transportation as part of the service departing from the city of São Paulo. They are buses equipped with seatbelts, a restroom, air-conditioner, and TV. We offer a snack in the bus, with two counselors accompanying the children. One support vehicle follows the bus. Times and locations of departure and arrival are provided after the reservation is confirmed. We also have transportation departing from shopping SerrAzul in Itupeva, and from Viracopos International Airport, in Campinas (just for those who fly down here). For those who live in other regions, we ask that you contact our customer service team by phone or WhatsApp at (11) 3818-6600 or send an e-mail to atendimento@replago.com.br
Can my son double his stay? How is the laundry done?
Yes, there is the option of doubling or even tripling the stay. In these cases, we do the laundry for free at RepLago.
Is there a discount for siblings?
Yes. Contact our customer service team for additional information by phone or WhatsApp at (11) 3818-6600 or send an e-mail to atendimento@replago.com.br
And what if my son wants to come back early?
If the camper decides to return home early, we, along with the people responsible for the children, will certainly be following the process. Finally, if the family chooses to pick them up, we will send a map with directions on how to get to the camp.
If personal belongings are forgotten, what should we do?
It is very important to have the children's names on all their clothes, shoes, and other belongings, including dirty and wet laundry bags. Clothes usually return dirty, so we recommend preference be given to older clothes to prevent children from being worried. We are not responsible for valuable objects, such as retainers, jewelry, watches, cell phones or smartphones, and other electronic devices, such as tablets, portable video games, and we kindly ask that the children do not bring them. When we identify lost belongings, we contact the people responsible for them, so that we can set up the best way to return them (by mail, etc.). If the items are not claimed after a month, they will be donated to an institution.
If my child cannot go, will I get my money back? And what if they decide to return home halfway through the stay period?
Yes, we work with a money back policy in both cases. Contact our customer service team to learn more.
Does RepLago offer special and differentiated activities?
Yes. No two seasons are the same since our recreation team constantly plans and prepares different activities. There are several new activities every season aimed at always offering campers a different experience each time.
Does RepLago receive types of groups other than children and teenagers during vacation seasons?
Yes. We also host companies and schools for integration and/or study purposes, Bar Mitzvahs, and others. To learn more, contact our customer service team by phone or WhatsApp at (11) 3818-6600 or send an e-mail to atendimento@replago.com.br
Is it possible to visit RepLago so that I'm able to get to know the entire camp structure? How would that work?
Yes! We are always open to visitors; you just need to make an appointment in advance. To have all your questions about visits answered, we recommend that you contact our customer service team by phone or WhatsApp at (11) 3818-6600 or send an e-mail to atendimento@replago.com.br
Is RepLago a safe place?
The safety of the campers is RepLago's priority. We have a security system with surveillance cameras operating 24/7. We have security equipment for the activities, and all of them, as well as the camp structures in general, undergo regular preventive maintenance services. Every activity takes place with the attentive presence of counselors, who are trained in emergency procedures. We have a very well-equipped first aid post and Mobile ICU service available. We have electric power generators in case of grid failures.
How do we get additional information about the camp and make a reservation?
For information you can call our office at (11) 3818-6600, send an e-mail to atendimento@replago.com.br, or contact us via WhatsApp (11) 3818-6600. The reservation must be made via the website, and should you have any questions, our customer service team will provide you with all the necessary support to make your reservation.
How does RepLago camp work for school field trips?
More than a fun location, at RepLago, children and teenagers develop as they play and make friends. We encourage personal development, where every activity is planned with great care and foundation. The most diverse skills can be explored by young campers with water activities, adventure, art and environment workshops, games, sports, and a music studio.
What type of structure does RepLago offer?
RepLago offers a multi-sport gymnasium, soccer field, sand court, swimming pool, first aid post, game room, art studio, and a beautiful lake located in the center of the camp. Children and teenagers are lodged in comfortable cottages with a porch and roomy bathrooms.
What are the cottages, beds, and bathrooms like?
The cottages are organized by gender, as well as by age group. They are cozy and equipped with heating and air conditioner. Each cottage has its own bathroom, with individual bathroom stalls. Showers also have their own individual stalls. The bathrooms are roomy, and showers have natural gas or solar heating systems. Cottages have night lights for those who want to go to the bathroom at night, and mattresses are waterproof and easy to sanitize. Shelves are found next to each bed, so that kids can organize their clothes and other items. Suitcases are removed from the cottage and are brought back the day before departure for the return preparations. Upper beds have railings for protection. The cottages are well-ventilated, with space between the beds.
How many children stay in a single cottage? And how are they distributed?
We have different sized cottages, but they are all well-ventilated with space between the beds. Each one's capacity ranges from 4 to 20 children. Distribution is done according to gender, age, and age group.
Do counselors sleep in the cottages with the campers? And what about the teachers?
Yes, counselors are with the children at all times. Should the school prefer, teachers can sleep in the cottages as well; otherwise, they stay in support cottages.
What is the team of counselors like?
All members of the team of counselors are going to or have gone to college and are older than 18, they undergo regular qualification training, and are specialized in handling large groups of children and teenagers. Counselors are also knowledgeable enough to peacefully handle specific situations that may come up, while respecting the particularities of each age group and each child or teenager. They supervise, support, and have fun with children and teenagers at all times. Furthermore, they have the support of coordinators, who are consistently guiding and directing the counselors' work. Children and teenagers have 24/7 supervision.
How many counselors are there per child?
Up to 13 years old, there is 1 counselor for every 10 campers. For teenagers aged 14 to 16, there is 1 counselor for every 10 campers.
Do counselors accompany children in their activities?
Yes, counselors accompany children in every activity scheduled by offering all necessary support, and supervising everything that goes on, thus guaranteeing safety and reliability.
What activities will my child find at RepLago camp?
There are several different activities: - Water: water skiing, wakeboard, aqua bike, stand up paddleboarding, water trampoline, water tubing, kayaking, aqua jump, banana boat, Tarzan swing, and paddle boat. - Adventure: bike trail, canopy tour, camping, climbing wall, zip line, acrobatic trampoline, and slackline. - Workshops: art studio, music studio, ecological expeditions. - Games and sports: biribol (Brazilian water volleyball), tetherball, soccer, beach soccer, multi-sport gymnasium, beach volleyball, swimming pool, game room, among others. - Night schedule: special dinner and games with flashlights.
Who are the members of the camp team?
The RepLago team has employees who work in activities such as supervision, guest service, kitchen, lifeguard, safety, cleaning, maintenance, garden, medicine, nursing, among others, always highly integrated and prepared. It is worth remembering that our counselors have a career plan, and the selection process they undergo includes simulations, security training, safeguarding, and group dynamics for the development of emotional intelligence, and the moment they join the team, they undergo regular training.
What are meals like?
The kitchen offers hearty and assorted meals, which are carefully prepared by experienced chefs. Some of the ingredients come directly from our organic vegetable garden. The menu has seasonal fruit, grilled food, pasta, salads, desserts, and much more. There are 5 meals per day: breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, and evening snack. For groups of small children, an employee from our team helps each one of them according to the instructions they receive. We have two large, well-ventilated courtyards, where meals are served.
My son has dietary restrictions. Are there other options?
Yes, in the enrollment process, there is a specific area for dietary restrictions. The person responsible for the child must fill it out with information about allergies, restrictions, and medications taken. A specific menu will be provided to this child, with options that substitutes what he/she cannot eat. This job is done by a food engineer along with our chefs. On the first day, the camper is introduced to the chef, so that they can get to know one another and have questions about the restrictions answered. The menu with restrictions/substitutions is available to the camper where they have their meals.
My son's birthday will be while he is at RepLago, is there any celebration?
Yes! We’ll have a cake and sing Happy Birthday :)
Does my son have to take any medicine with him? What if he gets sick or hurt?
There is a well-equipped first aid post, and there is a pediatrician 24/7, in addition to a nurse during the day. There is a mobile ICU and two hospitals within Leme's urban area that are a 12 km drive from the camp with a well paved road with no traffic. We are well prepared for any health assistance, and the people responsible for the campers are always notified if necessary. Should the child be undergoing any specific treatment while travelling, or may need a special medication, you must provide our health attendants with it, properly packed, with the first and last name, in addition to the specific dose/times in writing. To make things easier, the team that gives departure instructions has medication forms with them. We do not accept pill boxes.
Who is in charge of the medications?
The school is in charge of medication management. When nurses are hired, they collect and check the medications upon arrival.
My son takes prescription medications. How should I proceed?
Give the medications to the school's chaperones, they are responsible for the student. When nurses are hired, they become responsible.
What are the procedures in the case of venomous animal bites? Is there any antivenom?
This kind of situation has never happened, but our team is instructed on how to proceed if necessary. Should the child need to go to a hospital for antivenom treatment, a team member will accompany them. Those who are responsible for the child will be notified about the incident.
How are safety procedures conducted at the lake?
The use of lifejackets is mandatory for every water activity. Furthermore, we have lifeguards from the fire department at the camp on a daily basis and whenever there are lake and pool activities.
Can those who do not know how to swim be part of the RepLago activities?
Yes. Every water activity has the supervision of counselors and lifeguards from the fire department. Furthermore, the swimming pool is only 1.10 m deep. Whenever there are lake activities, the use of lifejackets is mandatory.
My son has nocturnal enuresis (bed-wetting). Does this prevent him from being part of the camping trip?
That is not a problem, since our mattresses are waterproof and easy to sanitize. Furthermore, our counselors are qualified to act in these situations in a way that the child does not feel embarrassed.
Where is the camp located? What is Leme close to?
The camp is located in the city of Leme, a 186 km drive from the city of São Paulo. The city is located between Campinas and Ribeirão Preto, and we travel on the Anhanguera and Bandeirantes highways, which are among the safest in the country.
What is the weather like at the camp? Is it really cold in July?
The weather in Leme is pleasant and always slightly warmer than it is in São Paulo. During winter, the weather is drier, and since it is located on a farm in a rural area, the temperature is warm during the day and goes down at night. Water activities only occur if the temperature is appropriate, and when it is cooler, children take a warm shower as soon as they end the activities. Counselors are always ready to instruct children to wear warm clothes, if necessary.
What should be packed in the suitcase?
During the enrollment process, you will receive our luggage suggestions. You can follow it to the letter, the amount given is adequate, carefully thought out according to the season’s schedule.
Do they need to take money with them?
All scheduled activities are already included in the package. We don't have a snack bar or cantina that sells food. There are 5 meals per day, and if campers are still hungry, we always have fruit and cookies available in the kitchen. We have a small shop selling items from the camp, so, if the children decide to take a souvenir home, such as a T-shirt, for instance, they can bring money for that purpose. The amount can be delivered to our team at departure or deposited in RepLago's account. When the season ends, if the child has brought money with him/her and bought nothing or there is change left, the amount will be returned.
Are they allowed to take their cell phones?
That is up to the people responsible for the children. There is no cell phone signal at the camp and children have no access to the Wi-Fi password. We highlight that RepLago is a place for children and teenagers to disconnect from technology and connect with themselves, with others, and with Nature.
Is it possible to contact our children?
There is no cell phone signal at RepLago. Phone calls between those responsible for the children and the children are allowed, and sometimes, necessary. We just ask that common sense be used so that there is no excessive contact, since this can prevent the child from integrating with other campers and even make them homesick. We have qualified professionals who provide instructions to the people responsible for the children regarding contact. Sending an e-mail through our website is recommended, since it makes children very happy, and they can read it as many times as they want.
If personal belongings are forgotten, what should we do?
It is very important to have the children's names on all their clothes, shoes, and other belongings, including dirty and wet laundry bags. Clothes usually return dirty, so we recommend preference be given to older clothes to prevent children from being worried. We are not responsible for valuable objects, such as retainers, jewelry, watches, cell phones or smartphones, and other electronic devices, such as tablets, portable video games, and we kindly ask that the children do not bring them. When we identify lost belongings, we contact the people responsible for them, so that we can set up the best way to return them (by mail, etc.). If the items are not claimed after a month, they will be donated to an institution.
If my son cannot go, will I get my money back?
Yes, we work with a money back policy. Contact our customer service team to learn more.
Is RepLago camp open to hosting 5th grade graduation parties?
Yes, we are available to handle 5th grade graduation trips. Our packages have a special dynamic for these moments and night parties adequate for the age group. For additional information, contact our customer service team by phone or WhatsApp at (11) 3818-6600 or send an e-mail to atendimento@replago.com.br.
Is RepLago camp open to hosting 9th grade graduation parties?
Yes. At the camp we have the structure needed for 9th grade teenagers to have an unforgettable graduation party, with plenty of fun and unique moments. In addition to the special activities, we offer themed night parties adequate for the age group with a DJ or a live band. For additional information, contact our customer service team by phone or WhatsApp at (11) 3818-6600 or send an e-mail to atendimento@replago.com.br.
Does RepLago offer differentiated activities? Does the camp adjust the schedule according to the school's needs?
Yes. Our team prepares the schedule along with the school and can adjust or create activities as requested by each client. There are several options aimed at offering each client a unique experience. We offer recreational games, field studies, and several water and adventure activities, and we can organize everything in countless ways.
Does RepLago receive types of groups other than schools?
Yes. We also welcome children and teenagers for vacation seasons in January and July. Furthermore, we serve companies for integration and birthday parties, Bar Mitzvahs, and others. To learn more, contact our customer service team by phone or WhatsApp at (11) 3818-6600 or send an e-mail to atendimento@replago.com.br
Is it possible to visit RepLago so that I'm able to get to know the entire camp structure? How would that work?
Yes! We are always open to visitors; you just need to make an appointment in advance. To have all your questions about visits answered, we recommend that you contact our customer service team by phone or WhatsApp at (11) 3818-6600 or send an e-mail to atendimento@replago.com.br
Is RepLago a safe place?
The safety of the campers is RepLago's priority. We have a security system with surveillance cameras operating 24/7. We have security equipment for the activities, and all of them, as well as the camp structures in general, undergo regular preventive maintenance services. Every activity takes place with the attentive presence of counselors, who are trained in emergency procedures. We have a very well-equipped first aid post and Mobile ICU service available. We have electric power generators in case of grid failures.